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About us

The first time, the research activities on production and multiplication of cereals and cotton elite's seeds got started under FAO supervision in the farms around Varamin (current Filestan region) in 1925. Then, the first building of seed Improvement Corporation was constructed in the current location of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Tehran Province (Varamin) in 1926. During these years, ANRTP has continued its research life by different titles same as Model farm, Falahat (Agriculture) office, Beet farm, Agriculture firm, Plants breeding, and Seed and plant improvement research center.  

In 1993, natural resources and livestock affairs research center of Tehran province was organized with 6 research department in related specialized fields, and its title changed into Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Tehran Province(ANRCT) by incorporation of ministry of Agriculture and ministry of Jihad Sazandegi in 2001.

At the end of 2008, according to the act issued by Board of Trustees of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Tehran Province (ANRCT) has turned into powerful center with high potentials in terms of human resources and research facilities with incorporation of Varamin agriculture research center, Cotton deputyship of Cotton Research Institute of Iran (CRI) and Sun pest research department.

Tehran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center  (TANRC) has organized the following administrative structure to achieve its goals: 
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